
Thursday 11 September 2014

Giveaway winner

It's happy hour chez Foxgloves and Thimbles! Cocktails ready to drink to the start of a brand new blogging year. And let's not forget there's a lucky winner!

Oww! I've learned a lot over the last year, but putting a random number generator on the blog apparently is not one of my most successful new tricks. I made a nice composition, in foxglove pink, added the numbers, generated the winner and then I got stuck. 
How to get that thing up here? Copy/paste left me with a mysterious HTML message in the middle of this post. So here's a picture of my screen.

And the winner is.......... Evie of Pendle Stitches.

Knipmode magazine will be on it's way to England soon.

Now to cheers to all new sewing friends all over the world!


  1. Happy New Year! I'm partial to picking a name out of a hat myself.

  2. Google "screen shot", it should show you how to save what is on the screen as an image.

    1. I know! If only I used my iPad, that's how I would do it. But windows let me down, no matter what I tried, PrintScreen did not work. Maybe the cocktails are to blame?

  3. I know I've thanked you via email, but not rude of me!
    I'm so thrilled to win this magazine, but even more so that I get to read your blog. Congratulations and here's to more blogiversaries.
    Oh...and Mr Random drove me nuts. I now use Rafflecopter.
