
Sunday 31 January 2016

Message from the jungle

Roarrr! Or better: Beep beep! Oonk-a-lunk! According to the Onomatopoeia Dictionary those are bird sounds. (Onomatopoeia ((ŏn′ə-măt′ə-pē′ə, -mä′tə-) is the formation of words such as buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to). Isn't that interesting? It undeniably proves the educational value of Jungle January, the annual party hosted by Anne of Pretty Grievances.

For the second year in a row I joined the jungle parade (you can find last year's entry here) so I spent the last weekend of January in my sewing room, turning tropical bird fabric into a wrap dress.

Last night it got a bit creepy, when an army of  decapitated woodpeckers and oonk-a-lunks were giving me the side eye, giving the jungle a spooky Hitchcock vibe. Despite this unfortunate collateral damage things went really well, except for modelling this dress. Why, you ask?

A monsoon flooded the concrete jungle! What's a girl to do, except grab a vine and swing to the highest tree to protect her not-so-jungle-proof footwear?

With less than two hours to go in Jungle January I leave you with a sneak peek of my dress and the promise to show more of this birds/roses/leopards tropical surprise soon. Spoiler alert: I love it!

Punk-er-lunk! Chacalaca!


  1. I love your posts and especially so with this one. The things you learn online and a sewing blog at that!!!
    This teaser showing us your lovely Jungle fabric is building us all with excitement. Can't wait for the monsoon to clear and for you to model your wrap dress in your concrete jungle.

  2. Very intriguing, Marianne. Look forward to seeing your jungle creation.

  3. Oh the suspense is killing me. Can't wait to see your dress...that fabric is awesome. Very entertaining post too.

  4. Oh, looking forward to seeing this one!

  5. Ooh love those little scrap birdies glaring out at us!
